AS IF MAGAZINE: Lea Delaria Lives and Laughs Out Loud, Wearing Nigel Curtiss Leopard Silk Pajama Set

Nigel Curtiss leopard silk pajama set with stripes
Photography, art direction & interview by Tatijana Shoan @tatijanashoan
Read the full story here
Lea DeLaria is the unapologetic, jazz singing, Butch Dyke, stand-up comic, and Queer activist
widely recognizable thanks to her tour de force performance as Big Boo in Netflix’s Orange Is The New Black. Heterosexuals are hard-pressed to name another famous Butch Dyke making DeLaria the mascot for her community. Having performed professionally as a singer and stand-up comic most of her life, she can weave sarcastic nuances into her acting performances that give her characters a memorable and loveable edge. With a new album dedicated to the antithesis of the love song, Fuck Love, and a starring role in Broadway’s uproarious new play, POTUS, DeLaria is the theater world’s insider and society’s outsider that everyone needs to know.